Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day-Thank You

In the United States, it is Memorial Day Weekend.  To Americans, it means many things: the unofficial start of summer, first visit to a beach, even barbecue grill work extraordinaire.  Maybe most importantly, it means a three day weekend for corporate America.

It means much more to me.

Memorial Day is in memory of soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  By giving their lives, we live in peace and freedom.  We are free to pursue what God has placed in our hearts, whether it is medicine, baseball, eating, even wasting it on things like X-box.  We are free to work our hardest to succeed, or even have failure.  We are free to pursue happiness, not have it guaranteed.

The sacrifices by Service Members range from small to the ultimate.  Giving up some personal dignity to bond their unit for when it really counts.  Taking duty for another so they can gather with family.  Having their back when the real action begins.  Covering them when injured.  Collecting them to deliver to a grieving family after an ultimate sacrifice is made.  The air of freedom is especially sweet to those know what it really cost.

I think of the Veteran from my own family.  My father served in an Army medical unit during World War II.  He never spoke of his time there, but it shaped the rest of his life.  Supposedly, when asked to re-enlist, he told the recruiter, "It took an act of Congress to get me here, it will take an act of Congress to keep me here.  I will have so many children, you won't want me back."

I have nine siblings.

My brother, Don, was drafted during Vietnam.  He talked a little about his service to me, much more to his bride.  He died in December 28, 2007 from cancer possibly related to Agent Orange exposure.  That's when I found out he earned Bronze and Silver Star for bravery in combat.  His remains lie in the Field of Valor at a cemetery in Fort Wayne.  He was an unofficial protector of our family, looking over the situation like any good MP.

Thank you, Armed Forces.  I am free to state my opinions on this page because of what you do.  It is my honor to share give you some love today.

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