Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thanks, Ms. Miles

One of the advantages of the Facebook/Twitter world is contact with people unseen in years.  It is interesting to see how they have changed and how you have changed.  I even pondered the "what if" I had gone home to the little town instead of following the path chosen.  Conclusively, I can say the past is a place to visit, but not a place to live.

However, I received some news from the past today that is worthy of revisiting.  Ms. Bonnie Miles was a teacher at our Jr. High/High School and passed from this world June 17.  She taught English and was the Newspaper/Yearbook sponsor.  I spent three solid years under her tutelage in the latter capacity.

I probably drove her crazy with my immaturity, but hopefully gave her some gratification with my writing.  She recommended me to the Auburn Evening Star to write about school events for pay my last two years of high school, a job I did faithfully.  I know I turned in my stories on time each week during the school year, and I rarely saw the editor's knife.  I was also the sports editor for two years, more figurehead than title, but it helped give me the eye for detail that carries into the medical profession today.  I even toyed with the idea of being a sportswriter, but chose another path.  I probably missed my calling.

I learned how to pound out a story when I really didn't want to write.  I learned the try to keep my verb tenses in line.  I learned "you hold a loaf of bread, not a meeting."  I learned from my attempt to be yearbook editor to not start something you couldn't finish, and I still feel badly for the people hurt along the way.  I learned many years later how much I enjoy writing and hope people find something worth reading when I do.

I've thought about Mrs. Miles a few times over the almost three decades since I left High School.  Other writers were more creative and talented and I'm sure they're a greater tribute to her legacy than I.  I know I am grateful for the lessons learned and pass them on to my children and players.  Ms. Bonnie Miles, you echo in history.

No...I'm not off base this time.

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