Thursday, June 13, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

Heading into the last two weeks of a Little League season, many decisions are waiting to be made.  How is this team progressing?  Who has improved enough to earn more playing time?  Who has waned in their interest and needs an attention grabbing stint on the bench?  Will I ever see my wife again?

Last thing we need is an approaching storm to throw in one more decision.  Derecho, not bird, is the word.

My daughter wasn't even there, she was with friends in a secure location.  My son was originally scheduled to umpire.  He was kept home, because if things needed to be pulled down, an adult should make the decision.  After the managers talked to the available parents, the decision was made not to play.  Storm was about 75 miles away and was moving fast, filled with heavy winds.

And it's pop-up predecessors struck hard...twenty-five miles south of our location...three hours later.

Maybe not the best decision, but still a good one.  All it takes is one poorly placed storm to damage people, buildings and lives.  One injury is too many.  As coaches, we have come to love these girls like our own daughters. The thought of any one of them being injured by our decision is too much to bear.

The outcome can't be known ahead of time, and it looks poor now.  This regret is easier to live with: I slept well last night between storms.

I have a hard time with one other decision made elsewhere. We will not be playing All Star Softball.  Our District Administrator has a rule that All Star Teams should have 12 players.  Out of our 15 girls, we only have nine who can play.  Therefore, we were not chartered for All-Stars.  A team that has lost only 2 games all season is shut out of their chance at a World Championship, however slim that chance may be.

Reading the Tournament Rules in the back of the Little League Softball Rulebook says nothing about the size of the roster.  Is this a DA making up his own rules?  Why are we trying to exclude teams?  Are we trying to favor one league over another?

Travel ball looks better and better.  Maybe that's why our District seems weak on the field. I off base?


  1. Don't give up if you have a team, Dave. The affidavit says: "Note Roster Size: Each roster will carry a minimum of 12 players unless waived by the District Administrator with their signature on an affidavit. Maximum rosters Juniors and below 14, Seniors 16
    and Big League 17. "

    Our D.A. WILL approve that. Your team is already chartered, so no problem there. If you have a team and want to play, you should call asap.

    By the way, good decision on the weather :)

  2. Directly out of the 2013 Softball Official Regulations and Playing Rules: Page T-3 "Tournament teams and Eligibility Affidavit shall consist of, and must be limited to, a maximum of fourteen (14) players, one (1) manager, and a maximum of two (2) coaches." There is additional language for the older divisions. It says nothing of a minimum. Why the mismatch in information? Verbal instructions said waiver would be given to 11, not nine, so the League has not entered a team.

    Thank you for your support on the weather decision. I appreciate your interest.

  3. In the interest of full disclosure, we are not entering a team due to the quality of available players and the safety concerns raised. I have a lot of respect for the leadership of Little League, but the exploitation of LL and the players over the years have made administrating a logistical nightmare, not just at the DA level, but the local league.



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