Sunday, November 30, 2014

Love/Hate Relationship

I love having a great player on my teams.  I hate when they have a poor attitude.  I hate it even more when it's my own flesh and blood with that attitude.

I love football when it is played with passion, pride, and selflessness.  I love it even more when the players have nothing to gain by doing so.  I hate it when the NFL takes the field because of the lack of passion, pride and selflessness.

I love golf above all other sports for what it gave an awkward, uncoordinated kid a chance to improvise in life.  I love the history, the personal challenge, and the lessons learned in golf that can be learned no other way.  I love even more the way it can exalt you one day, and humble you the next, sometimes shot to shot!

I hate undisciplined, trash talking basketball.  I hate where the fundamentals have gone, as they seem to be non existent from high school on up.  I absolutely hate what the NBA has become, especially compared to the Johnson/Bird era.

I love baseball and the multiple things that can happen from one pitch to the next, because the game changed based on the last pitch.  I love the total team atmosphere of the game.  I hate what MLB has done to market it's game right out of the American consciousness.

I love softball and it's speed, entertainment value, and the way the players play the game.  I love the way it values hard work and discipline.  I hate that softball gets pushed aside because the boys come first.

I love hockey and the hard working nature of the players.  Gotta love a players whose heart stops on the bench and wants to go back into the game!  I hate that Americans seem to only love the fights.

I love soccer, the world's game.  I love the combination of disciplined effort and improvisation.  I hate that people think watching paint dry is more exciting. I off base?

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