Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I have never quite understood why most people celebrate like madmen on New Year's Eve.  They yell and scream, eat and drink too much, and are excited because, "It's a new beginning!"

It's a new beginning only if you change something.

Some New Year's resolutions are forced upon you.  An old college coach I've worked with was diagnosed with colon cancer the day before New Year's Eve.  Keep him in your thoughts and prayer while he adjusts to a New Year's resolution forced upon him.

Three years ago, I was just floating along with no real cares about health.  Several people I work with in the health care industry noted that I had a change of complexion as I had reached 265 pounds.  I never really felt good, but just kept soldiering on.  I had stopped watching my blood pressure and weight, but was still coaching and still active.

It could have killed me.

My blood pressure was 180/110.  For those who may not know, normal is 120/80.  Systolic, the first number, is the one when your heart is pumping blood.  The harder your heart works, the more likely for failure.  The second number, when the heart is refilling to pump again, is a real sign of problems.  If the heart is always working hard, the rest a muscle needs to repair never happens.

And it WILL fail.  It is not a matter of is a matter of when.  No one escapes.  Mine hasn't yet.  I got on blood pressure medicines, and started to watch diet closely, eliminating as much salt and sugar as I could.  The weight started to come down.  By September, I was at 200 pounds.  Exercise helped bring the weight to 180 by August the following year.

I am back at 200 because I realized I wasn't going to die right away.  This year's resolution is to get back to 180.  It will take more work, and gym memberships and a renewal of dietary control will help.

Don't miss the most important element.

I could not do it alone.  I needed help.  Other people encouraged me.  It took something more.

II Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes, Therefore, if anyone is in Cghrist, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold the new has come.

I urge you to not ignore the spiritual side to change.  It can make the difference to completing a New Year's Resolution.

Not up for debate today...I'm not off base...because I've been there.

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