Saturday, April 27, 2013

What Is That Thing in the Sky?

Saturday is go day in youth baseball/softball world.  My daughter has Little League Opening Day, but her team isn't playing for some unknown reason.  My son has a baseball tournament, which is where I'll be all day.

Unusual is the description for the weather: beautiful.

No sleet or snow.  No rain, just that...what do they call it?  Starts in the East, disappears in the West?  Makes daytime really bright?  Provides warmth?

Oh, yeah!  Sun.

The forecast calls for temperatures in the 60's and sun.  We have had precious little of that kind of weather in Northern Indiana.  Certain parts of the country call this weather cool.  We call it great.

Interesting is that I have seen good ball played already this year.  The best players make plays when they're being pelted by sleet just the way they will today.  The best players make no excuses for the error, even when the conditions dictate otherwise.  The best players get the job done when even nature is against them.  It's a mental toughness that comes from a love for what you're doing and the excitement from playing the greatest game in the world.  Every pitch, every play, every umpire's call, changes what happens next.

We'll see what happens today. I off base?

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