However, we have other business on a Saturday in Northern Indiana when there is no snow on the ground. It is doubleheader day or tournament day, depending on how your scheduled. It is also practice day if you play Little League. I should be on a diamond more than most jewelers today. Doubleheader at 1 pm, Little League softball practice at 6 pm. Forecast is "47 degrees, Cloudy, possible rain/snow mix through at least noon." Just heard our Summer Team's tournament game is being snowed on as we speak. Nothing says, "Frozen snot" like early season baseball.
It is possible to play good baseball in these conditions. It is a matter of focus: focus on the mechanics of playing, not the fingers that can't be felt. Focus on the ball and making the play, not the ice on your socks. You have to really love playing baseball to play in this stuff. I wonder what they were thinking last night at the Mets/Twins game in Minneapolis.
Makes me wonder how softball practice will look tonight. While I was looking to leave the dugout, I was asked to step in and assist for my daughter's Little League team. It will be my tenth year and fourteenth season on a Little League field, (nine baseball teams, five softball teams, three of each at the same time.)
While baseball is my love, softball has captured my heart. Both games are pastoral, and have moments where speed is of the the essence, usually involving a pitcher. The games are very different. Baseball is patience, softball has to happen quickly: view shaped by the size of the diamond. Baseball gives some time to react and execute, softball required immediate execution. Baseball uses small ball as an alternate strategy, Softball has strategies basing entire teams on their ability to bunt and slap hit. Speed can change baseball, but is a requirement in softball.
Coaching boys and girls is just as different. Boys don't care what you know until they screw it up. Girls need to know how much you care before they care how much you know. Boys can be shown over and over in a drill, finally do it right once, and think they have it. Girls will ask you to help them until they can't get it wrong. If allowed, boys will ride a teammate into oblivion if the teammate fails more than once. Girls will help the weak teammate get better.
The boys who adopt some of the girl's traits become leaders. Same for the girls who adopt some of the boys traits. Getting to that point is part of coaching. I love working with both.
By the way, I hear sleet on my window. If it stays this way, at least we'll stay dry. I off base?
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