Wednesday, March 12, 2014

End of an Era

I've known this was coming for a while.  I'm just disappointed in what was chosen in it's place.

My son has decided that high school baseball will be his only sporting commitment.  He has played baseball since kindergarten, and we moved into travel commitments three years ago.   Hockey was in the mix for a little while.  As a young boy, he played soccer and a little bit of basketball.

IPad and Xbox have trumped being out with real people and playing real baseball.

I've known for a couple of years this direction was where he was going.  He would like to make a career in computers, and that is fine.  My wife holds a cum laude degree in Computer Science.  My real life job in the medical field requires computer training, and is where I spend the bulk of my time.    While I sometimes handle real patients and provide their care, my days are spent with computers and telephones.  I have built real relationships with some offices, and my wicked sense of humor breaks up the day.

I'm not sure about the people.  In the gaming world, most people have every incentive to lie about who they are, what they do, and what they believe.  No one can check up on what you say, so it is easy to be deceptive.  It can lead to a lack of trust, the most essential part of personal relationships.  The behavior that assures greater success in the virtual world is detrimental when it comes to dealing with real people.

Hopefully, we can teach discernment, pray for guidance, and keep toeing the line for discipline. I off base?

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