Saturday, December 14, 2013

What? No Dresses?

I apologize for the short hiatus from writing.  My computer had other uses for most of this week.  After all, finals are just around the corner for my kids.

While I was gone, Major League Baseball decided to outlaw collisions at home plate.  Some would say they would match the other levels of baseball, where the rules says to avoid contact. The travel level I coached at says a player can be ejected for making contact at any base.  Safety is important.

Safety is no less important for millionaire playing a little boy's game.  In 2011, Buster Posey's injury effectively ended the season for the San Francisco Giants after winning a World Series.  The injuries around home plate will always happen.  It's where games are won and lost.  The price of winning and losing is much higher.  The desire to get a ring you work your entire lifetime to get leads to the willingness to risk at a higher level.

Consequently, the reactions are much more visceral.  He's got the ball, and he's going to stop me from scoring, which my team needs.  My only hope is to knock out the ball. I might knock him out in the process, I might knock myself out, and injuries could happen. My gut says I've got to get there and score.  His gut says he's got to get the out.

MLB, you got this one wrong.  Your game already enough people wondering if sissies are playing. Baseball fights are the joke of the conflict world.  The Brian McCann/Carlos Gomez incident in September would have no meaning without contact.  The price is high, many people are interested in the outcome, therefore the price the players pay should be high.  People pay to see the best level of play, and the passion it took to get there.  Let the expression of that passion roll. I off base?

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