Major League Baseball produced their smoking gun last night. Mr. Bosch is not the most reputable character, but he says he shot illegal stuff into A-Rod. He claims his life was threatened by A-Rod associates. He seems to have the knowledge and capability to design a program to beat the testing system. He's paid a price, and gotten paid, for producing the goods, not just to A-Rod but to MLB.
However, Baseball seems to have the hubris to speak publicly about a situation that may not be resolved. Rob Manfred and Bud Selig spoke on camera, instead of hiding behind anti-trust legislation. Not the smartest move.
I'm coming of the opinion that both side stink here. A-Rod still needs to man up. His statement after the decision is still full of denial, and it doesn't make you a sympathetic character. While you are an employee like the rest of us, you are closer to the rich than the working class. We're not gonna spend the night with Madonna any time soon, so quit thinking you're just a working stiff. You should have entered the halls of privilege with integrity.
However, Baseball was in tacit complicity, trying to rebuild it's image after a poor period of labor relations. To hear Mr. Bosch say "It's part of baseball" is disappointing at best, heart breaking at worst. Everyone else who dealt with him took their suspension, and knew what they were doing. Baseball might need to let us know when they knew what they knew.
Maybe an independent study Mr. Bosch's treatment plan, and comparison to the testing program would settle a lot of this. A-Rod, you should be amenable to this, the science of the situation. Baseball, you shouldn't be afraid of this answer either. As a medical person, I might even believe the Mayo Clinic or similarly respected institution. If you both believe this, you should have nothing to fear. I off base?
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