Monday, September 16, 2013

SPECIAL EDITION-Washington Under Siege

I want it known that I respect our government and our leaders.  I am grateful for people who are willing to do what I am not.  The same goes for our military.  I respect everything they do in defense of our freedom so we can pursue things like baseball, softball, and observe the sports we love. Washington, D.C. has been the butt of jokes for a long time.  One of them is that most of the jokes were elected.

I am saddened that someone chose to attack our military, apparently from within.  Aaron Alexis, a 34 year-old Navy veteran, decided to shoot people today.  He decided to do it in the heartbeat of the Navy, the shipyards in Washington D.C., just three miles from the White House.  He decided to do it, and no one seems to know "Why?"

More people have died in rampages, younger people have died in rampages, even military people have perished in rampages.  The question is still "Why?"

Most people confuse freedom with license.  License means you can do whatever you want, with no limits.  Freedom means you can do what you want within limits.  Freedom leads to the greatest country in the world: we are free to succeed, we are free to try what we are inspired to, we are free to fail in the process and get up again.  License leads to destruction.  "Why?" is not a question here.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone associated tonight, even the shooters who have not been apprehended.  It is easy to pray for the victims and the families around them.  They need the comfort that goes beyond all understanding.  The shooters will need mercy and grace, even though they showed none to their victims.  No one is ever beyond it, no matter what they do.  The question is still "Why?"

"Why?"  We just want to know.  It has happened for a reason.  We may never understand "Why?" I off base?

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