Friday, June 7, 2013

I Work Most Saturdays

Saturday is a great day!  Most people look forward to Saturday as a respite from the world of work.  Some people keep working.  Some individuals are workaholic working, taking care of business to an extreme.  Some people are completing their regular work week, working hard to make a living.  Some folks are working on projects, making their homes more to their liking and increasing it's value.

I work most Saturdays, too.  I work to teach boys and girls how to play baseball and softball.  I work to get the fundamentals of these games into their minds and bodies.  I work to teach the right way to run bases, catch fly balls, and chew sunflower seeds.  I work to teach a love for a game that has flourished since before the Civil War.

I teach other things, too.  I teach respect for the authority that applies the rules.  I teach respect for the coaches that teach the game.  I teach respect for the teammate who is giving their best beside you.  I teach teamwork helps everyone achieve more.  I teach winning with humility and losing with class.  I teach that you can do it.  If you don't give up on yourself, I won't give up on you, no matter how many runs scored on that ball you missed.  I still love you, even though you struck out.

I teach because the world is working against me.  SportsCenter highlights focus on an individual when the team can do more.  Hollywood and Washington puts talk ahead of deeds.  Skinny and bulimic is revered over healthy and active.  Even players within the game bully others who "don't measure up."

We all fall short somewhere.  Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God."  Without His grace, we have no chance.  We have to depend on someone else.  Forgiveness is paramount, and nothing we can control: it has to be given.  Sound like any games we play?

I work most Saturdays.  I hope I get the work done. I off base?

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